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ARIA: menuitemcheckbox role


A menuitemcheckbox is a menuitem with a checkable state whose possible values are true, false, or mixed.


The items in menu and menubars are menu items. There are three types of menu items: menuitem, menuitemradio, and menuitemcheckbox.

These three elements can only be contained in, or owned by, an element with role menu or menubar, optionally nested within a grouping element with role of group. Being nested or otherwise owned (see aria-owns) in a menu or menubar identifies the menu items as being related widgets.

Menu items, including menuitemcheckbox elements, may be grouped within group elements or separated by elements with the separator role or other equivalent native role such as {{HTMLElement('fieldset')}}  and {{HTMLElement('hr')}} .

Menu items containing the role of menuitemcheckbox must include the aria-checked attribute to expose the checkbox’s state to assistive technology, unless using <input type="checkbox">, in which case the checked attribute should be used.

Similar to the checked attribute of {{HTMLElement('input')}} s of type checkbox, the aria-checked attribute of a menuitemcheckbox indicates whether the menu item is checked (true), unchecked (false), or represents a sub-level menu of other menu items that have a mixture of checked and unchecked values (mixed). The mixed value is similar to the checkbox’s indeterminate attribute, which gives the appearance of a third, neither checked nor unchecked, state.

An accessible name is required. Ideally, the accessible name should come from an associated {{htmlelement('label')}}  element if using <input type="checkbox"> or visible, descendant content. Realize if the label or descendant content is not sufficient and, preferably, aria-labelledby is used referencing non-descendant content or aria-label is used, these two ARIA properties will hide other descendant content from assistive technologies.

If all elements in the set are not present in the DOM include the aria-setsize and aria-posinset properties. When specifying aria-setsize and aria-posinset on a menuitemcheckbox, set the value with respect to the total number of items in the menu, excluding any separators.

The menuitemcheckbox element can have phrasing content, but can not have interactive content as descendants and no descendants with a tabindex attribute specified.

All descendants are presentational

There are some types of user interface components that, when represented in a platform accessibility API, can only contain text. Accessibility APIs do not have a way of representing semantic elements contained in a menuitemcheckbox. To deal with this limitation, browsers, automatically apply role presentation to all descendant elements of any menuitemcheckbox element as it is a role that does not support semantic children.

For example, consider the following menuitemcheckbox element, which contains a heading.

<div role="menuitemcheckbox"><h6>Name of my checkbox</h6></li>

Because descendants of menuitemcheckbox are presentational, the following code is equivalent:

<div role="menuitemcheckbox"><h6 role="presentation">Name of my checkbox</h6></li>

From the assistive technology user’s perspective, the heading does not exist since the previous code snippets are equivalent to the following in the accessibility tree:

<div role="menuitemcheckbox">Name of my checkbox</div>

Associated WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties

Keyboard interactions

When a menu opens, or when a menubar receives focus, keyboard focus is placed on the first item. All items in both are focusable, including all menuitemcheckbox elements.

If the menuitemcheckbox is in a submenu in a menubar or a menu opened with a menu button, the following keyboard interactions must be programmed in. :

Required JavaScript

Required event handlers


<li role="menuitemcheckbox" tabindex="-1" aria-checked="false">Purple</li>

The tabindex="-1" makes the menuitemcheckbox focusable but not part of the page tab sequence. Had we included aria-checked="true" it would have indicated that the menuitemcheckbox was checked, and we would have visually styled the selected state to look checked using the attribute selector [role='menuitemcheckbox'][aria-checked='true']. Instead, the presence of aria-checked="false" indicates to assistive technologies that the menuitemcheckbox is checkable but not currently checked. The accessible name “purple” comes from the contents.

The visual appearance of the selected state is a checked checkbox which we can create using generated content, making it visible and the same color as the content by synchronizing with the aria-checked value using CSS attribute selectors and inheriting the color.

[role="menuitemcheckbox"]::before {
  display: inline-block;
  content: "";
  color: transparent;
  width: 1em;
  text-align: center;
  outline: 1px solid;
  margin-inline-end: 2px;
  font-family: sans-serif;
[role="menuitemcheckbox"][aria-checked="true"]::before {
  color: inherit;
  content: "X";

Prefer HTML

The first rule of ARIA is: if a native HTML element or attribute has the semantics and behavior you require, use it instead of re-purposing an element and adding an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible. As such, it is recommended to use the native HTML checkbox form control instead of recreating a checkbox’s functionality with JavaScript and ARIA.



See also

In this article

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