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ARIA: treegrid role


The treegrid role identifies an element as being grid whose rows can be expanded and collapsed in the same manner as for a tree.


A treegrid is a hierarchical data grid, or table, consisting of tabular information that is editable or interactive. A treegrid is a combination of the tree and grid roles. Like a grid, the treegrid is made up of rows, columns, and gridcells. Like a tree, parent nodes in a treegrid are expandable and collapsible. The treegrid widget contains one or more row elements, optionally with rowgroup elements grouping the rows. Each row, in turn, contains one or more cells. Each cell is either a DOM descendant of or owned by a row element and is either a columnheader, rowheader, or gridcell element, with the gridcell role being used for all cells that do not contain column or row header information.

A row that can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide a set of child rows is a parent row. Each parent row has the aria-expanded state set on either the row element or on a cell contained in the row.

The aria-expanded state is set to true when the child rows are displayed and set to false when the child rows are hidden. Elements that do not control display of child rows should not have the aria-expanded attribute because the presence of the attribute indicates to assistive technologies that the element with the attribute is a parent.

When your grid UI calls for rows supporting aria-expanded or if your grid requires supporting aria-posinset, aria-setsize, or aria-level, use treegrid and not grid.

Each row or gridcell in a row should be keyboard focusable, and keyboard focus for all these tree grid descendants must be managed. The exception to this rule is column header cells which aren’t required to be focusable if they do not provide functionality such as sort or filter. Every row and cell should either contain a focusable element or be focusable itself, regardless of whether individual cell content is editable or interactive.

Single and multi-select treegrids

If the treegrid allows the user to choose just one item for an action, then it is known as a single-select treegrid. In single-select treegrids, the item with focus also has a selected state set with aria-selected.

If the treegrid supports selection of more than one row or cell, it is a multi-select treegrid. In the multi-select treegrid, the selected state is independent of the focus. The visual design and assistive technologies must distinguish between items that are selected and the item that has focus.

For multi-select treegrids, include aria-multiselectable="true" on the element with the treegrid role. All selected rows or cells have aria-selected set to true. All rows and cells that are selectable but not currently selected have aria-selected set to false. Don’t include the aria-selected attribute on rows and cells that are not individually selectable as the presence of the attribute indicates to assistive technologies that the row or cell is selectable.

Orphan rows

In cases where a child row or rowgroup is not nested within the treegrid in the DOM, the aria-owns attribute, referencing all of the IDs of the non-descendant children must be set on the treegrid element. If rows or cells are included in a treegrid via aria-owns, they will be presented to assistive technologies after the DOM descendants of the treegrid element unless the grid’s actual DOM descendants are also included in the aria-owns attribute.

Treegrids with dynamically loaded content

If some rows or columns are not in the DOM and are dynamically loaded when scrolling, aria-colcount, aria-rowcount, aria-colindex and aria-rowindex come into play. The aria-colcount and aria-rowcount properties get set on the treegrid. The values being the total number of columns and rows of the fully loaded grid, respectively. The indexes for each row and column get set on individual cells, not on the treegrid element.

A treegrid’s accessible name, description, and focus

The element with the role of treegrid must have an accessible name. If an appropriate label is visible in the content, provide the name via aria-labelledby. In other words, if there is an element in the user interface that serves as a label for the treegrid, include aria-labelledby as an attribute on the element with the role of treegrid, and set the value of the attribute to the id of the labelling element or elements. If no visible label is present, use aria-label instead. Not both.

If the content includes a caption or description for the treegrid, include aria-describedby on the treegrid element with the attribute value being the id of the element containing the description.

If the treegrid container itself receives focus, the value of its aria-activedescendant property should reference the id of the selected row, columnheader, rowheader or gridcell, unless roving tabindex is used to manage focus between those roles, in which case aria-activedescendant should not be used.

If the treegrid is disabled, make that disabled state visually apparent, programmatically enforced, and include the aria-disabled attribute on the treegrid itself to inform assistive technologies of its disabled state.

Treegrid sorting

If the treegrid provides sort functions, the aria-sort attribute is included on relevant header cell elements, not on the grid itself.

Treegrid menus

If the treegrid has an attached menu that opens when right clicked, include aria-haspopup="true" on the treegrid element. This informs assistive technologies that the treegrid has an associated popup. The ability for both keyboard and pointer device users to open and set focus in the menu must be added with JavaScript.

Read-only treegrids

By default, treegrids are assumed to be editable. If a tree grid is not editable, use the aria-readonly attribute to inform assistive technologies the treegrid is readonly. The attribute value, when set on the element with the treegrid role, propagates down to all columnheader, rowheader, and gridcell elements. That global value can be overridden for individual gridcell elements by including aria-readonly on individual tree grid element descendants.

Like all ARIA attributes, adding aria-readonly only informs assistive technologies that the content is or is not editable, but it does nothing to enable or disable interactivity. That must be done with HTML’s global contenteditable attribute or with JavaScript.

Associated WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties

Keyboard interactions

Being able to move focus among rows and cells of the grid with a keyboard must be implemented in order to create an accessible treegrid. Moving focus into the grid may result in the first cell or the first row being focused. Whether focus goes to the next adjacent cell or the row depends on its content requirements, with some treegrids not providing focus to rows.

The following keyboard interactions need to be supported when an element in the grid has received focus, e.g., after a user has moved focus to the grid with Tab.

If a treegrid supports selection of cells, rows, or columns, the following keys are commonly used for these functions.

If navigation functions can dynamically add more rows or columns to the DOM, key events that move focus to the beginning or end of the grid, such as control + End, may move focus to the last row in the DOM rather than the last available row in the back-end data.

While navigation keys, such as arrow keys, are moving focus from cell to cell, they are not available to do something like operate a combobox or move an editing caret inside of a cell. If this functionality is needed, see Editing and Navigating Inside a Cell.

Accessibility concerns

It is important for all cells to be able to receive or contain keyboard focus because screen readers are generally in application reading mode, rather than their document reading mode, when users are interacting with the grid. While in application mode, a screen reader user hears only focusable elements and content that labels focusable elements. If content can’t receive focus, screen reader users may unknowingly overlook elements contained in the treegrid.



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