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{{CSSRef}} {{SeeCompatTable}} 

The animation-timeline CSS property specifies the timeline that is used to control the progress of a CSS animation.

The following types of timelines can be set via animation-timeline:

Note: animation-timeline is included in the {{cssxref("animation")}}  shorthand as a reset-only value. This means that including animation resets a previously-declared animation-timeline value to auto, but a specific value cannot be set via animation. When creating CSS scroll-driven animations, you need to declare animation-timeline after declaring any animation shorthand for it to take effect.


/* Keyword */
animation-timeline: none;
animation-timeline: auto;

/* Single animation named timeline */
animation-timeline: --timeline_name;

/* Single animation anonymous scroll progress timeline */
animation-timeline: scroll();
animation-timeline: scroll(scroller axis);

/* Single animation anonymous view progress timeline */
animation-timeline: view();
animation-timeline: view(axis inset);

/* Multiple animations */
animation-timeline: --progressBarTimeline, --carouselTimeline;
animation-timeline: none, --slidingTimeline;

/* Global values */
animation-timeline: inherit;
animation-timeline: initial;
animation-timeline: revert;
animation-timeline: revert-layer;
animation-timeline: unset;


Formal definition


Formal syntax



Setting a named scroll progress timeline

A scroll progress timeline named --squareTimeline is defined using the scroll-timeline-name property on an element with an id of container. This is then set as the timeline for the animation on the #square element using animation-timeline: --squareTimeline.


The HTML for the example is shown below.

<div id="container">
  <div id="square"></div>
  <div id="stretcher"></div>


The CSS for the container sets it as the source of a scroll progress timeline named --squareTimeline using the scroll-timeline-name property (we could explicitly set which scrollbar axis to use with {{cssxref("scroll-timeline-axis")}} , but there is only a block direction scrollbar here, and it will be used by default).

The height of the container is set to 300px and we also set the container to create a vertical scrollbar if it overflows (below we will use CSS on the “stretcher” element to ensure that it does overflow).

#container {
  height: 300px;
  overflow-y: scroll;
  scroll-timeline-name: --squareTimeline;
  position: relative;

The CSS below defines a square that rotates in alternate directions according to the timeline provided by the animation-timeline property, which is set to the --squareTimeline timeline named above.

#square {
  background-color: deeppink;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  margin-top: 100px;
  animation-name: rotateAnimation;
  animation-duration: 1ms; /* Firefox requires this to apply the animation */
  animation-direction: alternate;
  animation-timeline: --squareTimeline;

  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;

@keyframes rotateAnimation {
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);

The “stretcher” CSS sets the block height to 600px, which forces the container element to overflow and create scroll bars. Without this element there would be no scrollbar, and hence no scroll progress timeline to associate with the animation timeline.

#stretcher {
  height: 600px;


Scroll to see the square element being animated.

{{EmbedLiveSample("Setting a named scroll progress timeline", "100%", "320px")}} 

Setting an anonymous scroll progress timeline

In this example, the #square element is animated using an anonymous scroll progress timeline, which is applied to the element to be animated using the scroll() function. The timeline in this particular example is provided by the nearest parent element that has (any) scrollbar, from the scrollbar in the block direction.


The HTML for the example is shown below.

<div id="container">
  <div id="square"></div>
  <div id="stretcher"></div>


The CSS below defines a square that rotates in alternate directions according to the timeline provided by the animation-timeline property. In this case, the timeline is provided by scroll(block nearest), which means that it will select the scrollbar in the block direction of the nearest ancestor element that has scrollbars; in this case the vertical scrollbar of the “container” element.

Note: block and nearest are actually the default parameter values, so we could have used just scroll().

#square {
  background-color: deeppink;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  margin-top: 100px;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;

  animation-name: rotateAnimation;
  animation-duration: 1ms; /* Firefox requires this to apply the animation */
  animation-direction: alternate;
  animation-timeline: scroll(block nearest);

@keyframes rotateAnimation {
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);

The CSS for the container sets its height to 300px and we also set the container to create a vertical scrollbar if it overflows. The “stretcher” CSS sets the block height to 600px, which forces the container element to overflow. These two together ensure that the container has a vertical scrollbar, which allows it to be used as the source of the anonymous scroll progress timeline.

#container {
  height: 300px;
  overflow-y: scroll;
  position: relative;

#stretcher {
  height: 600px;


Scroll to see the square element being animated.

{{EmbedLiveSample("Setting an anonymous scroll progress timeline", "100%", "320px")}} 

Setting a named view progress timeline

A view progress timeline named --subjectReveal is defined using the view-timeline-name property on a subject element with a class of animation. This is then set as the timeline for the same element using animation-timeline: --subjectReveal;. The result is that the subject element animates as it moves upwards through the document as it is scrolled.


The HTML for the example is shown below.

<div class="content">

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
    tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Risus quis varius quam
    quisque id. Et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat
    interdum varius. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat
    vivamus at augue.

    Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet. Sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate
    dignissim. Tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras. A erat nam at lectus urna
    duis convallis convallis. Nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus.
    Sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum. Malesuada bibendum
    arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit.

  <div class="subject animation"></div>

    Adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac. Arcu
    cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Sit amet cursus sit amet
    dictum. Augue neque gravida in fermentum et. Gravida rutrum quisque non
    tellus orci ac auctor augue mauris. Risus quis varius quam quisque id diam
    vel quam elementum. Nibh praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida
    quis. Duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet. In egestas erat
    imperdiet sed euismod nisi. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi
    scelerisque. Netus et malesuada fames ac.


The subject element and its containing content element are styled minimally, and the text content is given some basic font settings:

.subject {
  width: 300px;
  height: 200px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  background-color: deeppink;

.content {
  width: 75%;
  max-width: 800px;
  margin: 0 auto;

h1 {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

h1 {
  font-size: 3rem;

p {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  line-height: 1.5;

The <div> with the class of subject is also given a class of animation — this is where the {{cssxref("view-timeline-name")}}  is set to define a named view progress timeline. It is also given an animation-timeline name with the same value to declare that this will be the element animated as the view progress timeline is progressed.

Lastly, an animation is specified on the element that animates its opacity and scale, causing it to fade in and size up as it moves up the scroller.

.animation {
  view-timeline-name: --subjectReveal;
  animation-timeline: --subjectReveal;

  animation-name: appear;
  animation-fill-mode: both;
  animation-duration: 1ms; /* Firefox requires this to apply the animation */

@keyframes appear {
  from {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scaleX(0);

  to {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scaleX(1);


Scroll to see the subject element being animated.

{{EmbedLiveSample("Setting a named view progress timeline", "100%", "480px")}} 

Setting an anonymous view progress timeline

An anonymous view progress timeline is set on an element with class subject using animation-timeline: view(). The result is that the subject element animates as it moves upwards through the document as it is scrolled.


The HTML for the example is shown below.

<div class="content">

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
    tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Risus quis varius quam
    quisque id. Et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat
    interdum varius. Elit ullamcorper dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat
    vivamus at augue.

    Dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet. Sed sed risus pretium quam vulputate
    dignissim. Tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras. A erat nam at lectus urna
    duis convallis convallis. Nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium lectus.
    Sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum. Malesuada bibendum
    arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed velit.

  <div class="subject animation"></div>

    Adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra magna ac. Arcu
    cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Sit amet cursus sit amet
    dictum. Augue neque gravida in fermentum et. Gravida rutrum quisque non
    tellus orci ac auctor augue mauris. Risus quis varius quam quisque id diam
    vel quam elementum. Nibh praesent tristique magna sit amet purus gravida
    quis. Duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet. In egestas erat
    imperdiet sed euismod nisi. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi
    scelerisque. Netus et malesuada fames ac.


The subject element and its containing content element are styled minimally, and the text content is given some basic font settings:

.subject {
  width: 300px;
  height: 200px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  background-color: deeppink;

.content {
  width: 75%;
  max-width: 800px;
  margin: 0 auto;

h1 {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

h1 {
  font-size: 3rem;

p {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  line-height: 1.5;

The <div> with the class of subject is also given a class of animation — this is where animation-timeline: view() is set to declare that it will be animated as it progresses through the view progress timeline provided by its scrolling ancestor (in this case the document’s root element).

Last, an animation is specified on the element that animates its opacity and scale, causing it to fade in and size up as it moves up the scroller.

.animation {
  animation-timeline: view();

  animation-name: appear;
  animation-fill-mode: both;
  animation-duration: 1ms; /* Firefox requires this to apply the animation */

@keyframes appear {
  from {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scaleX(0);

  to {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scaleX(1);


Scroll to see the subject element being animated.

{{EmbedLiveSample("Setting an anonymous view progress timeline", "100%", "480px")}} 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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