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The circle() CSS function defines a circle using a radius and a position. It is one of the {{cssxref("<basic-shape>")}}  data types.



shape-outside: circle(50%);
clip-path: circle(6rem at 12rem 8rem);


Formal syntax



Basic circle

In the example below, the {{cssxref("shape-outside")}}  property has a value of circle(50%), which defines a circle on a floated element for the text to flow round.

<div class="box">
    alt="A hot air balloon"
    src="" />
    One November night in the year 1782, so the story runs, two brothers sat
    over their winter fire in the little French town of Annonay, watching the
    grey smoke-wreaths from the hearth curl up the wide chimney. Their names
    were Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier, they were papermakers by trade, and
    were noted as possessing thoughtful minds and a deep interest in all
    scientific knowledge and new discovery. Before that night—a memorable night,
    as it was to prove—hundreds of millions of people had watched the rising
    smoke-wreaths of their fires without drawing any special inspiration from
    the fact.
body {
  font: 1.2em / 1.5 sans-serif;
img {
  float: left;
  shape-outside: circle(50%);

{{EmbedLiveSample("circle", "", "300px")}} 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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