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The device-cmyk() functional notation is used to express CMYK colors in a device dependent way, specifying the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components.

This approach to color is useful when creating material to be output to a particular printer, when the output for particular ink combinations is known. CSS processors may attempt to approximate the color, however, the end result is likely to be different from the printed result.


device-cmyk(0 81% 81% 30%);
device-cmyk(0 81% 81% 30% / .5);
device-cmyk(0 81% 81% 30% / .5, rgb(178 34 34));


Functional notation: device-cmyk(C M Y K[ / A][, color])

Formal syntax




Browser compatibility

There is no browser implementing this feature.

See also

In this article

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