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The <display-outside> keywords specify the element’s outer {{CSSxRef("display")}}  type, which is essentially its role in flow layout. These keywords are used as values of the display property, and can be used for legacy purposes as a single keyword, or as defined in the Level 3 specification alongside a value from the {{CSSxRef("&lt;display-inside&gt;")}}  keywords.


Valid <display-outside> values:

[!NOTE] When browsers encounter a display property with only an outer display value (e.g., display: block or display: inline), the inner value defaults to flow (e.g., display: block flow and display: inline flow). This is backwards-compatible with single-keyword syntax.

Formal syntax



In the following example, span elements (normally displayed as inline elements) are set to display: block and so break onto new lines and expand to fill their container in the inline dimension.


<span>span 1</span> <span>span 2</span>


span {
  display: block;
  border: 1px solid rebeccapurple;


{{EmbedLiveSample("Examples", 300, 60)}} 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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