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The font-variant-alternates CSS property controls the usage of alternate glyphs. These alternate glyphs may be referenced by alternative names defined in {{cssxref("@font-feature-values")}} .

The {{cssxref("@font-feature-values")}}  at-rule can be used to associate, for a given font face, a human-readable name with a numeric index that controls a particular OpenType font feature. For features that select alternative glyphs (stylistic, styleset, character-variant, swash, ornament or annotation), the font-variant-alternates property can then reference the human-readable name in order to apply the associated feature.

This allows CSS rules to enable alternative glyphs without needing to know the specific index values that a particular font uses to control them.


/* Keyword values */
font-variant-alternates: normal;
font-variant-alternates: historical-forms;

/* Functional notation values */
font-variant-alternates: stylistic(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: styleset(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: character-variant(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: swash(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: ornaments(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: annotation(user-defined-ident);
font-variant-alternates: swash(ident1) annotation(ident2);

/* Global values */
font-variant-alternates: inherit;
font-variant-alternates: initial;
font-variant-alternates: revert;
font-variant-alternates: revert-layer;
font-variant-alternates: unset;

This property may take one of two forms:


Formal definition


Formal syntax



Enabling swash glyphs

In this example, we use the @font-feature-values at-rule to define a name for the swash feature of the MonteCarlo font. The rule maps the name "fancy" to the index value 1.

We can then use that name inside font-variant-alternates to switch on swashes for that font. This is the equivalent of a line like font-feature-settings: "swsh" 1, except that the CSS applying the feature does not need to include, or even know, the index value needed for this particular font.


<p>A Fancy Swash</p>
<p class="variant">A Fancy Swash</p>


@font-face {
  font-family: MonteCarlo;
  src: url("montecarlo-regular.woff2");

@font-feature-values "MonteCarlo" {
  @swash {
    fancy: 1;

p {
  font-family: "MonteCarlo";
  font-size: 3rem;
  margin: 0.7rem 3rem;

.variant {
  font-variant-alternates: swash(fancy);


{{EmbedLiveSample("Enabling swash glyphs", 0, 230)}} 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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