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The <system-color> CSS data type usually reflects the default color choices used for the different parts of a web page.

However, user agents can provide an accessibility feature called forced colors mode, in which colors are restricted into a user- and user agent-defined palette, overriding the author’s choice of colors in certain properties. In forced colors mode, <system-color> exposes the chosen colors, so that the rest of the page can integrate with them. An example of forced colors mode is high contrast mode on Windows.

In forced colors mode, authors should use colors from the <system-color> type for all properties that are not in the set of properties whose colors are overridden. This ensures that the page consistently uses the same color palette across all properties.

Authors can detect forced colors mode using the forced-colors media feature.

A <system-color> value can be used anywhere a <color> can be used.


Note that these keywords are case insensitive, but are listed here with mixed case for readability.

Deprecated system color keywords

The following keywords were defined in earlier versions of the CSS Color Module. They are now deprecated for use on public web pages.


Using system colors

In this example we have a button that normally gets its contrast using the {{cssxref("box-shadow")}}  property. In forced colors mode, box-shadow is forced to none, so the example uses the forced-colors media feature to ensure there is a border of the appropriate color (ButtonBorder in this case).


<button class="button">Press me!</button>


.button {
  border: 0;
  padding: 10px;
    -2px -2px 5px gray,
    2px 2px 5px gray;

@media (forced-colors: active) {
  .button {
    /* Use a border instead, since box-shadow
    is forced to 'none' in forced-colors mode */
    border: 2px ButtonBorder solid;


{{EmbedLiveSample("Using system colors")}} 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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