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The text-shadow CSS property adds shadows to text. It accepts a comma-separated list of shadows to be applied to the text and any of its decorations. Each shadow is described by some combination of X and Y offsets from the element, blur radius, and color.



/* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | color */
text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;

/* color | offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius */
text-shadow: #fc0 1px 0 10px;

/* offset-x | offset-y | color */
text-shadow: 5px 5px #558abb;

/* color | offset-x | offset-y */
text-shadow: white 2px 5px;

/* offset-x | offset-y
/* Use defaults for color and blur-radius */
text-shadow: 5px 10px;

/* Global values */
text-shadow: inherit;
text-shadow: initial;
text-shadow: revert;
text-shadow: revert-layer;
text-shadow: unset;

This property is specified as a comma-separated list of shadows.

Each shadow is specified as two or three <length> values, followed optionally by a <color> value. The first two <length> values are the <offset-x> and <offset-y> values. The third, optional, <length> value is the <blur-radius>. The <color> value is the shadow’s color.

When more than one shadow is given, shadows are applied front-to-back, with the first-specified shadow on top.

This property applies to both {{cssxref("::first-line")}}  and {{cssxref("::first-letter")}}  pseudo-elements.


Formal definition


Formal syntax



Basic shadow

.red-text-shadow {
  text-shadow: red 0 -2px;
<p class="red-text-shadow">
  Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
  doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore.

{{EmbedLiveSample('Basic_shadow', '660px', '90px')}} 

Multiple shadows

.white-text-with-blue-shadow {
    1px 1px 2px black,
    0 0 1em blue,
    0 0 0.2em blue;
  color: white;
    1.5em Georgia,
<p class="white-text-with-blue-shadow">
  Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium
  doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore.

{{EmbedLiveSample('Multiple_shadows', '660px', '170px')}} 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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