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HTML attribute: elementtiming


The elementtiming attribute is used to indicate that an element is flagged for tracking by {{domxref("PerformanceObserver")}}  objects using the "element" type. For more details, see the {{domxref("PerformanceElementTiming")}}  interface.

This attribute may be applied to {{htmlelement("img")}} , {{SVGElement("image")}}  elements inside an {{SVGElement("svg")}} , poster images of {{htmlelement("video")}}  elements, elements which have a {{cssxref("background-image")}} , and elements containing text nodes, such as a {{htmlelement("p")}} .

In the DOM, this attribute is reflected as {{domxref("Element.elementTiming")}} .


The value given for elementtiming becomes an identifier for the observed element.

<img alt="alt" src="img.jpg" elementtiming="label for element" />

Good contenders for elements you might want to observe are:


  alt="Alt for a main blog post image"
  elementtiming="Main image" />

<p elementtiming="important-text">Some very important information.</p>

See also

In this article

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