MDN Web Docs mirror

: The Article Contents element


The <article> HTML element represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable (e.g., in syndication). Examples include: a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, or a blog entry, a product card, a user-submitted comment, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content.

{{EmbedInteractiveExample("pages/tabbed/article.html", "tabbed-standard")}} 

A given document can have multiple articles in it; for example, on a blog that shows the text of each article one after another as the reader scrolls, each post would be contained in an <article> element, possibly with one or more <section>s within.


This element only includes the global attributes.

Usage notes


<article class="film_review">
  <h2>Jurassic Park</h2>
  <section class="main_review">
    <p>Dinos were great!</p>
  <section class="user_reviews">
    <h3>User reviews</h3>
    <article class="user_review">
      <h4>Too scary!</h4>
      <p>Way too scary for me.</p>
          Posted on
          <time datetime="2015-05-16 19:00">May 16</time>
          by Lisa.
    <article class="user_review">
      <h4>Love the dinos!</h4>
      <p>I agree, dinos are my favorite.</p>
          Posted on
          <time datetime="2015-05-17 19:00">May 17</time>
          by Tom.
      Posted on
      <time datetime="2015-05-15 19:00">May 15</time>
      by Staff.



Technical summary

Content categories Flow content, sectioning content, palpable content
Permitted content Flow content.
Tag omission None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parents Any element that accepts flow content. Note that an <article> element must not be a descendant of an `{{HTMLElement("address")}}`  element.
Implicit ARIA role article
Permitted ARIA roles application, document, feed, main, none, presentation, region
DOM interface `{{domxref("HTMLElement")}}` 



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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