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{{HTMLSidebar}} {{Deprecated_Header}} 

The <frame> HTML element defines a particular area in which another HTML document can be displayed. A frame should be used within a {{HTMLElement("frameset")}} .

Using the <frame> element is not encouraged because of certain disadvantages such as performance problems and lack of accessibility for users with screen readers. Instead of the <frame> element, {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}  may be preferred.


Like all other HTML elements, this element supports the global attributes.


A frameset document

A frameset document has a {{HTMLElement("frameset")}}  element instead of a {{HTMLElement("body")}}  element. The <frame> elements are placed within the <frameset>.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <!-- Document metadata goes here -->
  <frameset cols="400, 500">
    <frame src="" />
    <frame src="" />

If you want to embed another HTML page into the {{HTMLElement("body")}}  of a document, use an {{HTMLElement("iframe")}}  element.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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