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The HTTP Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only {{Glossary("response header")}}  helps to monitor Content Security Policy (CSP) violations and their effects without enforcing the security policies. This header allows you to test or repair violations before a specific {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}}  is applied and enforced.

The CSP {{CSP("report-to")}}  directive must be specified for reports to be sent: if not, the operation won’t have any effect.

Violation reports are sent using the Reporting API to endpoints defined in a {{HTTPHeader("Reporting-Endpoints")}}  HTTP response header and selected using the CSP {{CSP("report-to")}}  directive.

For more information, see our Content Security Policy (CSP) guide.

[!NOTE] The header can also be used with the deprecated {{CSP("report-uri")}}  directive (this is being replaced by {{CSP("report-to")}} ). The usage and resulting report syntax is slightly different; see the {{CSP("report-uri")}}  topic for more details.

Header type `{{Glossary("Response header")}}` 
`{{Glossary("Forbidden header name")}}`  No
This header is not supported inside a `{{HTMLElement("meta")}}`  element.


Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: <policy-directive>; …; <policy-directive>; report-to <endpoint-name>


The Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header supports all {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}}  directives except sandbox, which is ignored.

[!NOTE] The CSP {{CSP("report-to")}}  directive should be used with this header or it will have no effect.


Using Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only to send CSP reports

To use the {{CSP("report-to")}}  directive, you first need to define a corresponding endpoint using the {{HTTPHeader("Reporting-Endpoints")}}  response header. In the example below, we define a single endpoint named csp-endpoint.

Reporting-Endpoints: csp-endpoint=""

We can then define the destination of the report using {{CSP("report-to")}}  and {{CSP("report-uri")}} , as shown below. Note that this particular report would be triggered if the page loaded resources insecurely, or from inline code.

Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src https:;
  report-uri /csp-report-url/;
  report-to csp-endpoint;

[!NOTE] The report-to directive is preferred over the deprecated report-uri, but we declare both because report-to does not yet have full cross-browser support.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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