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CSP: fenced-frame-src

{{HTTPSidebar}} {{SeeCompatTable}} 

The HTTP {{HTTPHeader("Content-Security-Policy")}}  (CSP) fenced-frame-src directive specifies valid sources for nested browsing contexts loaded into {{HTMLElement("fencedframe")}}  elements.

CSP version 1
Directive type `{{Glossary("Fetch directive")}}` 
Fallback If this directive is absent, the user agent will look for the `{{CSP("frame-src")}}`  directive (which falls back to the `{{CSP("child-src")}}`  directive).


One or more sources can be allowed for the fenced-frame-src policy:

Content-Security-Policy: fenced-frame-src <source>;
Content-Security-Policy: fenced-frame-src <source> <source>;

A space-separated list of source expression values. Resources of this type may be loaded if they match any of the given source expressions. For this directive, the following source expression values are applicable:


Violation cases

Given this CSP header:

Content-Security-Policy: fenced-frame-src

The following sources will not load in a fenced frame:



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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