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The HTTP Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy (COEP) {{Glossary("response header")}}  configures the current document’s policy for loading and embedding cross-origin resources.

The policy for whether a particular resource is embeddable cross-site may be defined for that resource using the {{HTTPHeader("Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy")}}  (CORP) header for a no-cors fetch, or using CORS. If neither of these policies are set, then by default, resources can be loaded or embedded into a document as though they had a CORP value of cross-site.

The Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy allows you to require that CORP or CORS headers be set in order to load cross-site resources into the current document. You can also set the policy to keep the default behaviour, or to allow the resources to be loaded, but strip any credentials that might otherwise be sent. The policy applies to loaded resources, and resources in {{htmlelement("iframe")}} s and nested frames.

[!NOTE] The Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy doesn’t override or affect the embedding behaviour for a resource for which CORP or CORS has been set. If CORP restricts a resource to being embedded only same-origin, it won’t be loaded cross-origin into a resource irrespective of the COEP value.

Header type `{{Glossary("Response header")}}` 
`{{Glossary("Forbidden response header name")}}`  No


Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: unsafe-none | require-corp | credentialless



Features that depend on cross-origin isolation

Certain features, such as access to {{jsxref("SharedArrayBuffer")}}  objects or using {{domxref("")}}  with unthrottled timers, are only available if your document is {{domxref("Window.crossOriginIsolated","cross-origin isolated","","nocode")}} .

To use these features in a document, you will need to set the COEP header with a value of require-corp or credentialless, and the {{HTTPHeader("Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy")}}  header to same-origin. In addition the feature must not be blocked by {{HTTPHeader("Permissions-Policy/cross-origin-isolated","Permissions-Policy: cross-origin-isolated")}} .

Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

You can use the {{domxref("Window.crossOriginIsolated")}}  and {{domxref("WorkerGlobalScope.crossOriginIsolated")}}  properties to check if the features are restricted in window and worker contexts, respectively:

const myWorker = new Worker("worker.js");

if (crossOriginIsolated) {
  const buffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(16);
} else {
  const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);

Avoiding COEP blockage with CORS

If you enable COEP using require-corp and want to embed a cross origin resource that supports CORS, you will need to explicitly specify that it is requested in cors mode.

For example, to fetch an image declared in HTML from a third-party site that supports CORS, you can use the crossorigin attribute so that it is requested in cors mode:

<img src="" crossorigin />

You can similarly use the HTMLScriptElement.crossOrigin attribute or fetch with { mode: 'cors' } to request a file in CORS mode using JavaScript.

If CORS is not supported for some images, a COEP value of credentialless can be used as an alternative to load the image without any explicit opt-in from the cross-origin server, at the cost of requesting it without cookies.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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