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HTTP request methods


HTTP defines a set of request methods to indicate the purpose of the request and what is expected if the request is successful. Although they can also be nouns, these request methods are sometimes referred to as HTTP verbs. Each request method has its own semantics, but some characteristics are shared across multiple methods, specifically request methods can be {{glossary("Safe/HTTP", "safe")}} , {{glossary("idempotent")}} , or {{glossary("cacheable")}} .

Safe, idempotent, and cacheable request methods

The following table lists HTTP request methods and their categorization in terms of safety, cacheability, and idempotency.

Method Safe Idempotent Cacheable
{{HTTPMethod("GET")}}  Yes Yes Yes
{{HTTPMethod("HEAD")}}  Yes Yes Yes
{{HTTPMethod("OPTIONS")}}  Yes Yes No
{{HTTPMethod("TRACE")}}  Yes Yes No
{{HTTPMethod("PUT")}}  No Yes No
{{HTTPMethod("DELETE")}}  No Yes No
{{HTTPMethod("POST")}}  No No Conditional*
{{HTTPMethod("PATCH")}}  No No Conditional*
{{HTTPMethod("CONNECT")}}  No No No

* POST and PATCH are cacheable when responses explicitly include freshness information and a matching {{HTTPHeader("Content-Location")}}  header.



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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