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The toString() method of {{jsxref("BigInt")}}  values returns a string representing the specified {{jsxref("BigInt")}}  value. The trailing “n” is not part of the string.

{{InteractiveExample("JavaScript Demo: BigInt.toString()")}} 

// Expected output: "1024"

// Expected output: "10000000000"

// Expected output: "400"




Return value

A string representing the specified {{jsxref("BigInt")}}  value.



The {{jsxref("BigInt")}}  object overrides the toString method of {{jsxref("Object")}} ; it does not inherit {{jsxref("Object.prototype.toString()")}} . For {{jsxref("BigInt")}}  values, the toString() method returns a string representation of the value in the specified radix.

For radixes above 10, the letters of the alphabet indicate digits greater than 9. For example, for hexadecimal numbers (base 16) a through f are used.

If the specified BigInt value is negative, the sign is preserved. This is the case even if the radix is 2; the string returned is the positive binary representation of the BigInt value preceded by a - sign, not the two’s complement of the BigInt value.

The toString() method requires its this value to be a BigInt primitive or wrapper object. It throws a {{jsxref("TypeError")}}  for other this values without attempting to coerce them to BigInt values.

Because BigInt doesn’t have a [Symbol.toPrimitive]() method, JavaScript calls the toString() method automatically when a BigInt object is used in a context expecting a string, such as in a template literal. However, BigInt primitive values do not consult the toString() method to be coerced to strings — rather, they are directly converted using the same algorithm as the initial toString() implementation.

BigInt.prototype.toString = () => "Overridden";
console.log(`${1n}`); // "1"
console.log(`${Object(1n)}`); // "Overridden"


Using toString()

17n.toString(); // "17"
66n.toString(2); // "1000010"
254n.toString(16); // "fe"
(-10n).toString(2); // "-1010"
(-0xffn).toString(2); // "-11111111"

Negative-zero BigInt

There is no negative-zero BigInt as there are no negative zeros in integers. -0.0 is an IEEE floating-point concept that only appears in the JavaScript Number type.

(-0n).toString(); // "0"
BigInt(-0).toString(); // "0"



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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