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The containing() method of Segments instances returns an object describing the segment in the string that includes the code unit at the specified index.

{{InteractiveExample("JavaScript Demo: Segments.prototype.containing")}} 

const segmenterFr = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", { granularity: "word" });
const string1 = "Que ma joie demeure";

const segments = segmenterFr.segment(string1);

// Expected output:
// Object {segment: 'ma', index: 4, input: 'Que ma joie demeure', isWordLike: true}




Return value

An object describing the segment of the original string with the following properties, or undefined if the supplied index value is out of bounds.


// ┃0 1 2 3 4 5┃6┃7┃8┃9  ← code unit index
// ┃A l l o n s┃-┃y┃!┃   ← code unit
const input = "Allons-y!";

const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", { granularity: "word" });
const segments = segmenter.segment(input);

let current = segments.containing();
// { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(4);
// { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(6);
// { index: 6, segment: "-", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// { index: 7, segment: "y", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// { index: 8, segment: "!", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length);
// undefined



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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