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The propertyIsEnumerable() method of {{jsxref("Object")}}  instances returns a boolean indicating whether the specified property is this object’s enumerable own property.

{{InteractiveExample("JavaScript Demo: Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable()", "taller")}} 

const object1 = {};
const array1 = [];
object1.property1 = 42;
array1[0] = 42;

// Expected output: true

// Expected output: true

// Expected output: false




Return value

A boolean value indicating whether the specified property is enumerable and is the object’s own property.


All objects that inherit from Object.prototype (that is, all except null-prototype objects) inherit the propertyIsEnumerable() method. This method determines if the specified property, string or symbol, is an enumerable own property of the object. If the object does not have the specified property, this method returns false.

This method is equivalent to Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)?.enumerable ?? false.


Using propertyIsEnumerable()

The following example shows the use of propertyIsEnumerable() on objects and arrays.

const o = {};
const a = [];
o.prop = "is enumerable";
a[0] = "is enumerable";

o.propertyIsEnumerable("prop"); // true
a.propertyIsEnumerable(0); // true

User-defined vs. built-in objects

Most built-in properties are non-enumerable by default, while user-created object properties are often enumerable, unless explicitly designated otherwise.

const a = ["is enumerable"];

a.propertyIsEnumerable(0); // true
a.propertyIsEnumerable("length"); // false

Math.propertyIsEnumerable("random"); // false
globalThis.propertyIsEnumerable("Math"); // false

Direct vs. inherited properties

Only enumerable own properties cause propertyIsEnumerable() to return true, although all enumerable properties, including inherited ones, are visited by the loop.

const o1 = {
  enumerableInherited: "is enumerable",
Object.defineProperty(o1, "nonEnumerableInherited", {
  value: "is non-enumerable",
  enumerable: false,
const o2 = {
  // o1 is the prototype of o2
  __proto__: o1,
  enumerableOwn: "is enumerable",
Object.defineProperty(o2, "nonEnumerableOwn", {
  value: "is non-enumerable",
  enumerable: false,

o2.propertyIsEnumerable("enumerableInherited"); // false
o2.propertyIsEnumerable("nonEnumerableInherited"); // false
o2.propertyIsEnumerable("enumerableOwn"); // true
o2.propertyIsEnumerable("nonEnumerableOwn"); // false

Testing symbol properties

{{jsxref("Symbol")}}  properties are also supported by propertyIsEnumerable(). Note that most enumeration methods only visit string properties; enumerability of symbol properties is only useful when using {{jsxref("Object.assign()")}}  or spread syntax. For more information, see Enumerability and ownership of properties.

const sym = Symbol("enumerable");
const sym2 = Symbol("non-enumerable");
const o = {
  [sym]: "is enumerable",
Object.defineProperty(o, sym2, {
  value: "is non-enumerable",
  enumerable: false,

o.propertyIsEnumerable(sym); // true
o.propertyIsEnumerable(sym2); // false

Usage with null-prototype objects

Because null-prototype objects do not inherit from Object.prototype, they do not inherit the propertyIsEnumerable() method. You must call Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable with the object as this instead.

const o = {
  __proto__: null,
  enumerableOwn: "is enumerable",

o.propertyIsEnumerable("enumerableOwn"); // TypeError: o.propertyIsEnumerable is not a function, "enumerableOwn"); // true

Alternatively, you may use {{jsxref("Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()")}}  instead, which also helps to distinguish between non-existent properties and actually non-enumerable properties.

const o = {
  __proto__: null,
  enumerableOwn: "is enumerable",

Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "enumerableOwn")?.enumerable; // true
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "nonExistent")?.enumerable; // undefined



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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