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The RangeError object indicates an error when a value is not in the set or range of allowed values.


A RangeError is thrown when trying to pass a value as an argument to a function that does not allow a range that includes the value.

This can be encountered when:

RangeError is a {{Glossary("serializable object")}} , so it can be cloned with {{DOMxRef("Window.structuredClone", "structuredClone()")}}  or copied between Workers using {{domxref("Worker/postMessage()", "postMessage()")}} .

RangeError is a subclass of {{jsxref("Error")}} .


Instance properties

Also inherits instance properties from its parent {{jsxref("Error")}} .

These properties are defined on RangeError.prototype and shared by all RangeError instances.

Instance methods

Inherits instance methods from its parent {{jsxref("Error")}} .


Using RangeError (for numeric values)

function check(n) {
  if (!(n >= -500 && n <= 500)) {
    throw new RangeError("The argument must be between -500 and 500.");

try {
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof RangeError) {
    // Handle the error

Using RangeError (for non-numeric values)

function check(value) {
  if (!["apple", "banana", "carrot"].includes(value)) {
    throw new RangeError(
      'The argument must be an "apple", "banana", or "carrot".',

try {
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof RangeError) {
    // Handle the error



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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