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The unicode accessor property of {{jsxref("RegExp")}}  instances returns whether or not the u flag is used with this regular expression.

{{InteractiveExample("JavaScript Demo: RegExp.prototype.unicode")}} 

const regex1 = new RegExp("\\u{61}");
const regex2 = new RegExp("\\u{61}", "u");

// Expected output: false

// Expected output: true


RegExp.prototype.unicode has the value true if the u flag was used; otherwise, false. The u flag enables various Unicode-related features. With the “u” flag:

There are other changes to the parsing behavior that prevent possible syntax mistakes (which are analogous to strict mode for regex syntax). These syntaxes are all deprecated and only kept for web compatibility, and you should not rely on them.

The set accessor of unicode is undefined. You cannot change this property directly.

Unicode-aware mode

When we refer to Unicode-aware mode, we mean the regex has either the u or the v flag, in which case the regex enables Unicode-related features (such as Unicode character class escape) and has much stricter syntax rules. Because u and v interpret the same regex in incompatible ways, using both flags results in a {{jsxref("SyntaxError")}} .

Similarly, a regex is Unicode-unaware if it has neither the u nor the v flag. In this case, the regex is interpreted as a sequence of UTF-16 code units, and there are many legacy syntaxes that do not become syntax errors.


Using the unicode property

const regex = /\u{61}/u;

console.log(regex.unicode); // true



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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