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The parseFloat() function parses a string argument and returns a floating point number.

{{InteractiveExample("JavaScript Demo: Standard built-in objects - parseFloat()")}} 

function circumference(r) {
  return parseFloat(r) * 2.0 * Math.PI;

// Expected output: 28.695307297889173

// Expected output: 28.695307297889173

// Expected output: NaN




Return value

A floating point number parsed from the given string, or {{jsxref("NaN")}}  when the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number.

[!NOTE] JavaScript does not have the distinction of “floating point numbers” and “integers” on the language level. parseInt() and parseFloat() only differ in their parsing behavior, but not necessarily their return values. For example, parseInt("42") and parseFloat("42") would return the same value: a {{jsxref("Number")}}  42.


The parseFloat function converts its first argument to a string, parses that string as a decimal number literal, then returns a number or NaN. The number syntax it accepts can be summarized as:

Syntax-wise, parseFloat() parses a subset of the syntax that the Number() function accepts. Namely, parseFloat() does not support non-decimal literals with 0x, 0b, or 0o prefixes but supports everything else. However, parseFloat() is more lenient than Number() because it ignores trailing invalid characters, which would cause Number() to return NaN.

Similar to number literals and Number(), the number returned from parseFloat() may not be exactly equal to the number represented by the string, due to floating point range and inaccuracy. For numbers outside the -1.7976931348623158e+3081.7976931348623158e+308 range (see {{jsxref("Number.MAX_VALUE")}} ), -Infinity or Infinity is returned.


Using parseFloat()

The following examples all return 3.14:

parseFloat("  3.14  ");
parseFloat("3.14some non-digit characters");
  toString() {
    return "3.14";

parseFloat() returning NaN

The following example returns NaN:


Anecdotally, because the string NaN itself is invalid syntax as accepted by parseFloat(), passing "NaN" returns NaN as well.

parseFloat("NaN"); // NaN

Returning Infinity

Infinity values are returned when the number is outside the double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754-2019 format range:

parseFloat("1.7976931348623159e+308"); // Infinity
parseFloat("-1.7976931348623159e+308"); // -Infinity

Infinity is also returned when the string starts with "Infinity" or "-Infinity":

parseFloat("Infinity"); // Infinity
parseFloat("-Infinity"); // -Infinity

Interaction with BigInt values

parseFloat() does not handle {{jsxref("BigInt")}}  values. It stops at the n character, and treats the preceding string as a normal integer, with possible loss of precision. If a BigInt value is passed to parseFloat(), it will be converted to a string, and the string will be parsed as a floating-point number, which may result in loss of precision as well.

parseFloat(900719925474099267n); // 900719925474099300
parseFloat("900719925474099267n"); // 900719925474099300

You should pass the string to the BigInt() function instead, without the trailing n character.

// 900719925474099267n



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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