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MathML fractions and roots


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Relying on text containers, this article describes how to build more complex MathML expressions by nesting fractions and roots.

Subtrees of <mfrac>, <msqrt> and <mroot>

In the getting started with MathML article, we’ve already met the <mfrac> element to describe a fraction. Let’s consider a basic example which adds new elements for roots (<msqrt> and <mroot>):

<br />
<br />

Below is a screenshot of how it is rendered by a browser:

Screenshot of mfrac, msqrt, mroot

Active learning: nesting different elements

Here is an exercise to verify whether you understood the relation between a MathML subtree and its visual rendering. The document contains a MathML formula and you must check all subtrees corresponding to a subtree in that MathML formula. Once you are done, you can inspect the source of the MathML formula and verify if it matches your expectation.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My page with math characters</title>
      href="" />
        <mfrac id="mfrac1">
          <msqrt id="msqrt1">
          <mroot id="mroot1">
        <mroot id="mroot2">
          <mfrac id="mfrac2">
        <msqrt id="msqrt2">

    <ol id="options">
          data-comment="Verify the order of children in an mfrac!" />
        An mfrac with an mroot as its first child and an msqrt as its second
          data-comment="The '6 over 7'-th root of five." />
        An mroot with an mn as its first child and mfrac as its second child.
          data-comment="This formula does not contain any fraction inside a square root!" />
        An msqrt containing an mfrac element.
          data-comment="The square root of two."
          data-highlight="msqrt1" />
        An msqrt with one mn child.
          data-comment="Verify the order of children in an mroot!" />
        An mroot with an mfrac as its first child and mn as its second child.
          data-comment="The square root of 'eight minus nine'."
          data-highlight="msqrt2" />
        An msqrt with the following list of children: mn, mo, mn.
          data-comment="The square root of two over the cubic root of four."
          data-highlight="mfrac1" />
        An mfrac with an msqrt as its first child and an mroot as its second
          data-comment="mfrac must have exactly two children!" />
        An mfrac with the following list of children: msqrt, mn, msqrt.
          data-comment="mroot must have exactly two children!" />
        An mroot with one mn child.
          data-comment="The fraction six over seven."
          data-highlight="mfrac2" />
        An mfrac with two mn children.
          data-comment="This formula does not contain any square root with more than two numbers!" />
        An msqrt with five mn children.
          data-comment="The cubic root of four." />
        An mroot with two mn children.
      <strong id="comment"></strong>
      <strong id="status"></strong>
math {
    Latin Modern Math,
    STIX Two Math;
  font-size: 200%;
math .highlight {
  background: pink;
math [id] .highlight {
  background: lightblue;
p {
  padding: 0.5em;
const options = document.getElementById("options");
const comment = document.getElementById("comment");
const checkboxes = Array.from(options.getElementsByTagName("input"));
const status = document.getElementById("status");
function verifyOption(checkbox) {
  let mathml = checkbox.dataset.highlight;
  if (mathml) {
    mathml = document.getElementById(mathml);
  if (checkbox.checked) {
    comment.textContent = checkbox.dataset.comment;
    if (mathml) {
    } else {
      checkbox.checked = false;
  } else {
    comment.textContent = "";
    if (mathml) {
  const finished = checkboxes.every(
    (checkbox) => !!checkbox.checked === !!checkbox.dataset.highlight,
  status.textContent = finished
    ? "Congratulations, you checked all the correct answers!"
    : "";
checkboxes.forEach((checkbox) => {
  checkbox.addEventListener("change", () => {

{{ EmbedLiveSample('Active_learning_nesting_different_elements', 700, 600, "", "") }} 

Stretchy radical symbols

As previously seen, the overbar of the <msqrt> and <mroot> elements stretches horizontally to cover their content. But actually the root symbol √ also stretches to be as tall as their content.

  href="" />
<math display="block">

{{ EmbedLiveSample('Stretchy_radical_symbols', 700, 200, "", "") }} 

[!WARNING] Special math fonts are generally required to make that stretching possible, the previous example relies on web fonts.

Fractions without bar

Some mathematical concepts are sometimes written using fraction-like notations such binomial coefficients or Legendre symbols. It is appropriate to use an <mfrac> element to markup such notations. For fraction-like notations that don’t draw a horizontal bar, attach a linethickness="0" attribute to the <mfrac> element:

  href="" />
<math display="block">
    <mfrac linethickness="0">

{{ EmbedLiveSample('Fraction_without_bar', 700, 200, "", "") }} 

[!NOTE] Although the linethickness attribute can be used to specify an arbitrary thickness, it is better to keep the default value, which is calculated from parameters specified in the math font.


In this lesson, we’ve seen how to build fractions and roots using the <mfrac>, <msqrt> and <mroot> elements. We noticed some special feature of these elements, namely the fraction and radical symbol. We’ve seen how to use the linethickness attribute to draw fractions without bars. In the next article, we will continue with basic math notations and consider scripts.

See also

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In this article

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