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{{QuickLinksWithSubpages("/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps/Manifest/Reference")}} {{SeeCompatTable}} 

The display member is used to determine the developer’s preferred display mode for a website. It follows a process where the browser falls back to the next display mode if the requested one is not supported. In some advanced use cases, this fallback process might not be enough.

The display_override member solves this by letting the developer provide a sequence of display modes that the browser will consider before using the display member. Its value is an array of display modes that are considered in-order, and the first supported display mode is applied.


Display override objects are display-mode strings, the possible values are:


In the example below, the browser will consider the following display-mode fallback chain in this order: fullscreenminimal-uistandalone.

  "display_override": ["fullscreen", "minimal-ui"],
  "display": "standalone"



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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