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CycleTracker: Secure connection

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PWAs can only be installed using a manifest file when served with the https:// protocol, or when served locally from and localhost URLs with the http:// protocol. They also commonly use APIs that are restricted to secure contexts.

In the previous section, we used HTML and CSS to create the shell of our period tracking application. In this section, we’ll open the CycleTracker static content in a browser, view the content from a locally started development environment, and view the content on a remote, secure server.

Viewing with the file:// protocol

Any browser will render your HTML. To view the HTML file with the CSS applied you created in the previous section, open the index.html file by navigating to it via your computer’s file structure or from your browser using the “Open File” menu option.

With the index.html updated, and the style.css housed in the same directory, viewing the page in a narrow browser window should look similar to this screenshot:

Light green web page with a large header, a form with a legend, two date pickers and a button. The bottom shows two placeholder menstrual cycles and a header.

We are viewing our page using the file:// protocol, which provides a secure context. This ensures that the pages can be viewed with the current state of our codebase, and will continue to work as we add JavaScript functionality that requires a secure context.

[!NOTE] Serving your app over https isn’t only good for PWAs, but for all websites as it ensures the information that transits between your web server and the user’s browser is encrypted end to end. Several Web APIs require secure contexts. Even if you aren’t creating installable PWAs, as you add features to any web app, you may run into cases where a secure context is required.

While we can view and test most application functionality using the file:// protocol, we can’t use it to test application installation using our manifest file.

We need a local development environment to test the whole tutorial including installation. Part of making a PWA installable is a secure server. The files will need to be served over a secure connection on the web to access the benefits PWAs provide and to distribute our application as a PWA.


The default method for setting up a local development environment varies by operating system. While the default location for the index and configuration files on your operating system may differ, most desktop operating systems enable a server configuration accessible to you, the developer.

For example, on macOS, at least on Sierra and Monterey, entering sudo apachectl start enables an Apache HTTP server. Once the server is started, entering http://localhost in the browser displays an basic web page that reads “It works!”. By default, the HTML file displayed is Library/WebServer/Documents/index.html.en. To enable file extensions other than .html.en or to change the root directory away from Library/WebServer/Documents/, you have to edit the apache http configuration file, located at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. The server can be stopped with sudo apachectl stop.

The OS’s default localhost has an easy-to-remember URL, but a difficult to remember server root location and configuration process. It also only allows for one local server in one location at a time. Fortunately, there are more intuitive server set up method options to create one or more local development environments on multiple ports.

localhost with a port number

There are several {{glossary("IDE")}}  extensions and programming-language specific packages that enable starting a development environment with a single click or terminal command. You can even start multiple local servers, each with a different port number.

You can run a local HTTP server using a VS Code plugin, which enables running a local server on a single or different port. The Preview on Web Server extension for the VS Code IDE creates a server at the root of the directory currently opened by the editor, with a default port of 8080. VS Code extensions are configurable. The previewServer.port setting is the port number of the web server. The extensions default setting of 8080 can be edited and changed. By default, entering localhost:8080 in the browser URL bar will load the page.

[!NOTE] The Preview on Web Server extension uses Browsersync. When your development environment is started by this extension, localhost:3001 provides a user interface for Browsersync, providing an overview of the current server environment.

Learn how to set up a local testing server using Python or local server side language like PHP.

Localhost with npx

If you have node installed, you may have npm and npx installed as well. At the command line, enter npx -v. If a version number is returned, you can use http-server, a non-configurable static HTTP server, without needing to install any requirements. Enter npx http-server [path] at the command line, where [path] is the folder where your index file is stored.

By default, entering localhost:8080 in the browser URL bar will load the page. If you already started a server at port 8080, it will automatically change the port number, starting the developer environment using an available port, such at 8081.

You can choose a different port number. Entering npx http-server /user/yourName/CycleTracker -p 8787 will start local server at port 8787 if available. If not, if you enter a port number that is already being used, you will get an address already in use or similar error. If successful, entering localhost:8787 in the browser URL bar will render the index file stored as ~/user/yourName/CycleTracker/index.html, or will display the directory contents of ~/user/yourName/CycleTracker/ if no index file is present.

This non-configurable static HTTP server suffices for our basic app. Apps served via localhost and are exempt from https and always considered secure. Browser insecure warnings, if given, can be bypassed. While not necessary, to configure your local web server to be served over HTTPS, you can add a built-in TLS certificate. With the certificate, you will be able to install and run local-web-server from the command line to serve your project locally over https, preventing any security warning.

npm install -g local-web-server
cd ~/user/yourName/CycleTracker/
ws --https

In the above, you may need to prefix the install with sudo.

[!NOTE] If you are seeking privacy, realize you are building this PWA yourself and it can be installed on your own machine from your own development environment, without ever accessing the Internet. This app has no tracking. It’s as private an app as you get.

Secure external server

The previous options are fine, and necessary, for testing your application as you progress through this PWA tutorial, or any web development project. While you can host your web app on your device and make it available to anyone with an Internet connection, this is not recommended.

To get the added features of PWAs, including single click installation, a standalone UI, admission to app stores, and optionally offline functionality through service workers, we will need a secure connection. To distribute your app, enabling others to view, use, and install your PWA, you’ll want to have your content hosted and available on a secure remote server.

When officially publishing a PWA, you will likely want to invest in a domain name and web hosting. For open source projects, where developers can learn from the codebase and even contribute back to the project, you can host your progress on GitHub Pages.

GitHub Pages

The current state of the CycleTracker application is viewable on GitHub, served securely at We’ve posted the files to the MDN GitHub account. Similarly, if you have a GitHub account, you can post it to yours. Just note that while securely served over TLS, actions on GitHub are not necessarily private, and all GitHub pages are public. If you live in an area with a repressive government that tracks menstrual cycles, consider copying and pasting the code rather than forking it.

To create a publicly available secure site, create a GitHub Pages site. Create a repository named <username>, where <username> is your GitHub username. Create a gh-pages branch. This branch of your application will be available at https://<username>

As noted, all GitHub Pages are publicly available on the internet, even if you set the repository to private. As the period data is saved using localStorage, the application will be available via the GitHub URL, but the user’s data is only available in the one browser on the one device where the data was entered. Deleting the localStorage directly, which is done in the browser, will delete all the stored data.

If you don’t want your PWA to be top level, you can make your app appear as if it is residing in a subdirectory. You can either create a subdirectory within the <username> repository, or publish from your PWA’s separate repository. By configuring a publishing source within your PWA repository, your app will be visible at https://<username><repository> where <repository> is the repository’s name. You can set GitHub to auto-publish your site when changes are published to a specific branch within that repository, including main.

In the case of the CycleTracker demo app in the various stages of development, the <username> is mdn and the repository is pwa-examples. Because this repository has multiple example PWAs, each with progress at several steps in the development process, the files, and therefore the PWA, are nested a few levels deep.

Note that you can configure a custom domain for a GitHub Pages site.

Up next

We are able to view a styled, static version of the CycleTracker application shell. Now that we know how to view the application we are about to build, let’s get to building it. Up next, we create app.js, the JavaScript that converts our static design into a fully functional web application that stores data locally, on the users machine.

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