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The stop-color attribute indicates what color to use at a gradient stop.

[!NOTE] With respect to gradients, SVG treats the transparent keyword differently than CSS. SVG does not calculate gradients in pre-multiplied space, so transparent really means transparent black. So, specifying a stop-color with the value transparent is equivalent to specifying a stop-color with the value black and a {{SVGAttr("stop-opacity")}}  with the value 0.

[!NOTE] As a presentation attribute, stop-color also has a CSS property counterpart: {{cssxref("stop-color")}} . When both are specified, the CSS property takes priority.

You can use this attribute with the following SVG elements:

Usage notes

Value `{{cssxref("color_value", "<color>")}}` 
Default value black
Animatable Yes



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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