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Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP) implementation


Cross-Origin Resource Policy (CORP) is set by the {{httpheader("Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy")}}  response header, which lets websites and applications opt-in to protection against vulnerabilities related to certain cross-origin requests (such as those made by the {{htmlelement("script")}}  and {{htmlelement("img")}}  elements).


Some side-channel hardware vulnerabilities (also known as Cross-site leaks, or XS-Leaks), such as Meltdown and Spectre, exploit a race condition arising as part of speculative execution functionality of modern processors. This functionality is designed to improve performance but can be manipulated to disclose sensitive data.


Use Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy to block no-cors cross-origin requests to given resources. As this policy is expressed via a response header, the actual request is not prevented. Instead, the browser prevents the result from being leaked by stripping out the response body.

The possible values are:

Set the most restrictive value possible for your site.

If, in turn, your site requires access to cross-origin resources, opt into a better default by sending a {{httpheader("Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy")}}  header along with the associated requests. This will prevent loading of cross-origin resources that don’t also explicitly send a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: cross-origin header.


Instruct browsers to disallow cross-origin requests made in no-cors mode:

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin

Instruct browsers to allow cross-origin resource access, including access to features with unthrottled timers (such as {{jsxref("SharedArrayBuffer")}}  objects or {{domxref("")}} ):

Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

This also permits such resources to be embedded.

See also

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