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Content Security Policy (CSP) implementation


The Content-Security-Policy HTTP header provides fine-grained control over the code that can be loaded on a site, and what it is allowed to do.


The main problem this article focuses on is cross-site scripting ({{Glossary("Cross-site_scripting", "XSS")}} ) attacks. These are generally due to a lack of control and awareness of the sources from which site resources are loaded. This problem gets more difficult to manage as sites become larger and more complex and increasingly rely on third-party resources such as JavaScript libraries.

[!NOTE] CSP is one part of a complete strategy for protecting against XSS attacks. There are other factors involved, such as output encoding and sanitization, which are also important.

CSP can also help to fix other problems, which are covered in other articles:


Implementing a strict CSP is the best way to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities with CSP. This uses nonce- or hash-based fetch directives to ensure that only scripts and/or styles that include the correct nonce or hash will be executed. JavaScript inserted by a hacker will simply not run.

Strict CSPs also:

Strict CSPs are preferred over location-based policies, also called allowlist policies, where you specify which domains scripts can be run from. This is because allowlist policies often end up allowing unsafe domains, which defeats the entire point of having a CSP, and they can get very large and unwieldy, especially if you are trying to permit services that require many third party scripts to function.

Steps for implementing CSP

Implement a strict CSP, then start to pinpoint resources that are failing to load as a result of the policy, taking steps to work around these issues.

[!NOTE] Before implementing any actual CSP with the Content-Security-Policy header, you are advised to first test it out using the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only HTTP header; see Report-only CSPs below.

  1. Decide whether to use nonces or hashes. You should use nonces if you can dynamically generate content or hashes if you need to serve static content.
  2. Implement a strict CSP, as outlined in the Solution section. Make sure that external and internal scripts (included via {{htmlelement("script")}}  elements) that you want to run have the correct nonce inserted into the nonce attributes by the server. If you are instead using hashes, external scripts should have the correct hash inserted into integrity attributes.
  3. If an allowed script goes on to load third-party scripts, those scripts will fail to load because they won’t have the required nonce or hash. Mitigate this problem by adding the strict-dynamic directive, which gives scripts loaded by the first script the same level of trust without being explicitly given a nonce or hash.
  4. Refactor patterns disallowed by the strict CSP, such as inline event handlers and eval(). For example, replace inline event handlers with addEventListener() calls inside scripts.
  5. Unless sites need the ability to include embeds, their execution should be disabled with object-src 'none'.
  6. If you are unable to remove usages of eval(), you can add the unsafe-eval keyword to your strict CSP to allow them, although this makes the CSP significantly weaker.
  7. If you are unable to remove event handler attributes, you can add the unsafe-hashes keyword to your strict CSP to allow them. This is somewhat unsafe, but much safer than allowing all inline JavaScript.

If you are unable to get a strict CSP to work, an allowlist-based CSP is much better than none, and a CSP like default-src https: still provides some protection, disabling unsafe inline/eval() and only allowing loading of resources (images, fonts, scripts, etc.) over HTTPS.

[!WARNING] If at all possible, avoid including unsafe sources inside your CSP. Examples include:

If you are unable to use the Content-Security-Policy header, pages can instead include a <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="…"> element. This should be the first {{htmlelement("meta")}}  element that appears inside the document {{htmlelement("head")}} .

Report-only CSPs

Before implementing any actual CSP with the Content-Security-Policy header, you are advised to first test it out using the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only HTTP header. This allows you to see if any violations would have occurred with that policy.

Sites should use the report-to and report-uri reporting directives. These cause the browser to POST JSON reports about CSP violations to endpoints (specified in the {{httpheader("Reporting-Endpoints")}}  header in the case of report-to). This allows CSP violations to be caught and repaired quickly.

[!NOTE] The report-to directive is preferred over the deprecated report-uri directive. However, both are still needed because report-to does not yet have full cross-browser support.

See also

In this article

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