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The WebAssembly.compile() static method compiles WebAssembly binary code into a WebAssembly.Module object. This function is useful if it is necessary to compile a module before it can be instantiated (otherwise, the WebAssembly.instantiate() function should be used).

[!NOTE] Webpages that have strict Content Security Policy (CSP) might block WebAssembly from compiling and executing modules. For more information on allowing WebAssembly compilation and execution, see the script-src CSP.


WebAssembly.compile(bufferSource, compileOptions)


Return value

A Promise that resolves to a WebAssembly.Module object representing the compiled module.



Using compile

The following example compiles the loaded simple.wasm byte code using the compile() function and then sends it to a worker using postMessage().

const worker = new Worker("wasm_worker.js");

  .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
  .then((bytes) => WebAssembly.compile(bytes))
  .then((mod) => worker.postMessage(mod));

[!NOTE] You’ll probably want to use WebAssembly.compileStreaming() in most cases, as it is more efficient than compile().

Enabling JavaScript builtins and global string imports

This example enables JavaScript string builtins and imported global string constants when compiling the Wasm module with compile(), before instantiating it with instantiate() then running the exported main() function (which logs "hello world!" to the console). See it running live.

const importObject = {
  // Regular import
  m: {
    log: console.log,

const compileOptions = {
  builtins: ["js-string"], // Enable JavaScript string builtins
  importedStringConstants: "string_constants", // Enable imported global string constants

  .then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
  .then((bytes) => WebAssembly.compile(bytes, compileOptions))
  .then((module) => WebAssembly.instantiate(module, importObject))
  .then((instance) => instance.exports.main());



Browser compatibility


See also

In this article

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